Team - Navigation
Analysis, evaluation and development of relations and connections
Team - Navigation
Analysis, evaluation and development of relations and connections/networks
The level of relation always exceeds the factual level !.
How much time, joy and energy is wasted, because of open or hidden tensions, disagreements, frictions and conflicts, within your organisation? The working-atmosphere is often crucial! The Team-navigation system, analyses and develops the topic-oriented cooperation AND emotional work-relation - the working-atmosphere. Potentials are realised, differences and conflicts are constructively solved, stable networks and high performing teams created.
The team-navigation system is a
simple structured but highly meaningful analysis-instrument, for the evaluation of relation- and network-abilities. Two aspects are analysed and further-developed within the team:
- Functional - task-oriented cooperation: recognising potentials and possible 'bottlenecks' in the functional, factual area and making them useful for the team
- Personally - people-oriented cooperation: making emotional work-relations (working atmosphere) visible and solve conflicts constructively

The results are made available for all participants within the Team-Matrix.
Subsequent individual-, double- and group talks are moderated and
accompanied, by professional coaches
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