
Digitisation, leadership and corporate-culture accompanying and inspiring

LeadingXdigital uses digital technologies...

and combines them with analogue services, to create effective and attitude-based development- and innovation-processes.

The essentials of digitisation

We are online and connected anytime and anywhere - professionally and personally. Digitisation is inevitably changing the way we work, live and evolve. Old economic structures and entire business-models are being dissolved. Is this digital change breaking you and sees you falling by the wayside, or are you using digitisation as an opportunity? Current studies clearly confirm: Digitisation without cultural-change does not work!

Digitisation doesn't run on old software in the mind. Here too, the human factor is the essential, and crucial. Industry 4.0 and economy 4.0 above all need a digital transformation-culture 4.0. This is based on completely new models of thought, new mindsets, cooperation and co-creativity. This is when the human part, of customers and co-entrepreneurs becomes the focal point, and not a means of any kind. - Fullstop!

Xdigital uses digital technologies and combines them with analog formats, for cooperative and attitude-based, (self-) learning- and innovation-processes.

Your benefit: comprehensive information transparency, real-time feedback and successful communication.

The overall Xdigital strategy inspires people's attitudes and the culture of the company.

LeadingXdigital - services

lead-nav, coaching, 360, Grad, Führungskräfteanalyse, Führungskräfte, Analysetool, xdigital, leadingx

LeadNAV 360°

Leadership-analysis and optimisation practice-oriented and through individual coaching.

LeadNAV (leading navigation) is a powerful and at the same time simple Xdigital- service, to measure and further develop leadership and communication within the company. Contents: internal- external-image,clarity about expectations as well as strengths and weaknesses, communication, feedback-culture,analysis and development of managing-patterns, recognising and using bottlenecks and potentials, making the working-climate visible and constructively solve conflicts.

seminar-x10, Vitality, Xperience, Xcellence, Change, Xacademy, Ausbildungsprogramm, Einstellung, Bewusstsein, Team, X, Orientierung, Leadership, LeadingX.com LeadingX, Kooperation, Team


Analysis, evaluation and development of relations and networks

The relations-level always dominates the factual-level! How much time, joy and energy is lost in your organisation, because of open or hidden tensions, bad vibes, frictions and conflict!? Often, exactly this working-atmosphere is crucial! The Team-navigation system, analyses and develops the topic-oriented cooperation AND emotional work-relation - the working-atmosphere. Potentials are realised, differences and conflicts are constructively solved, stable networks and high performing teams created.

seminar-x10, Bewertung, Feedback Xperience, Xcellence, Change, Analyse, Auswertung, Ausbildungsprogramm, Einstellung, Bewusstsein, X, Leadership, LeadingX.com LeadingX, Kooperation, Team

SysNAV (system-navigation)

Real-time-analysis, monitoring and coaching employee-enthusiasm and team-climate

Dissatisfied employees lead to dissatisfied customers and insufficient performance.  With the System Navigator SysNAV you get a powerful tool with which you can carry out continuous employees-questionnaires, monitor the business climate and improve employee satisfaction.  Employee-satisfaction and the atmosphere among the team are measured continuously and in real time.  You're continuously aware of 'the puls' of your company and of every department.

Benefit now ...

Xperience creates Xcellence - LeadingX

Any questions?

... we are always happy to help