Unforgettable lectures & events

Experiencing together, impulses and inspirations, interactions and energy, realisations and lasting impressions

You know these lectures...

... you get bored to the point of falling asleep, with PowerPoint reading exercises. Otherwise these events have no positive effects. They only waste time and money. LeadingXperience lectures are totally different - they are highly emotional, interactive and humorous. The audience experiences, anchors and realises the essential messages.

The interactive LeadingXperience-lectures are perfectly suitable to get into a topic, become familiar with a new thematic, make aware of attitudes or to inject energy into an otherwise input-heavy event.

Interactive Xperience Lectures by LeadingX

...are particularly useful for: Congresses, conferences and company-events, motivational-days, management-meetings, sales-meetings, team-building, employee-events, exceptional company-excursions, kickoff events, customer-invitations, seminars, workshops etc.

What's described here are tried & tested 'classic' lectures. On request, we can of course add special topics or priorities.

Energie, Motivation, Problemlösung, Innovation, Kreativität, IAK Seminar, Workshop

Winners you recognise from the start..

...losers as well! The attitude is crucial for success or failure

Berufung, Mission, Werte, Sinn, Abenteuer, Motivation, Energie

Work can be highly enjoyable or make you sick!

Through dealing confidently, with challenging people and provocations, you exemplify joy and energised implementation.

Berufung, Mission, Vision, Beruf, Sinn, Kernenergie, Kern, Wesentlich, IAK, Seminar, Motivation, ChancenRealisierer, Coaching

Purpose driven work

The more meaning you recognise in your work, the greater your energy,  joy and your performance. This also makes the company much more successful and attractive - for customers and employees! 

Einstellung, Bewusstsein, Team, Innovation, Event, Trainer, Energie, Leadership, Speaker, LeadingX.com LeadingX, Kooperation

From 'one' that always thinks about problems to 'one' that realises opportunities

 Because success has consequences - failure as well!

LeadingX, Xperience-Vortrag, Event, Speaker, LeadingX.com Management, Einstellung, Bewusstsein, Team, Motivation,

Sated lions don't hunt

Joyful working instead of 'duty by the book'.

Einstellung, Bewusstsein, Team, Innovation, ChancenRealisierer, Trainer, Change, Leadership, Speaker, Motivation, LeadingX.com LeadingX600x600 (2)

Don't let yourself be wound up - being angry only aggravates things!

Combining current findings of mind-sciences and timeless wisdom, to deal with challenging people and situations

LeadingX.com Management, XNavi, Leadership, Ziel, Idee, Kreativität, Innovation, Seminar, Coaching, Vortrag, Einstellung, Bewusstsein, Team, Innovation, Trainer, Change

'Shi(f)t' happens

...from Buoyancy aids and rocking chairs

Einstellung, Bewusstsein, Team, Innovation, ChancenRealisierer, Trainer, Change, Leadership, Speaker, Motivation, LeadingX.com LeadingX Inspiration, Kooperation

Joyful sales

... instead of 'duty by the book', justifications, blame-accusations and 'victim-clubs'

LeadingX, Xperience-Vortrag, Event, Meeting, Speaker, LeadingX.com Management, Einstellung, Bewusstsein, Team, Motivation, Trainer, Change


Astonishing realisations beyond  knowledge and reason

Einstellung, Bewusstsein, Team, Innovation, ChancenRealisierer, Trainer, Change, Leadership, Speaker, Motivation, LeadingX.com LeadingX Inspiration, 600x600 (2)

Performing Teams

Establishing Xcellente teams and making better use of performance-potentials

Einstellung, Bewusstsein, Team, Innovation, ChancenRealisierer, Trainer, Change, Leadership, Speaker, Motivation, LeadingX.com LeadingX Inspiration,


Developing solutions. Instant-help and sustainable security for the future.

LeadingX.com Management, XNavi, Leadership, Ziel, Idee, Kreativität, Innovation, Seminar, Coaching, Vortrag, Einstellung, Bewusstsein, Team, Innovation, ChancenRealisierer, Trainer, Change, Leadership,

10 major-mistakes in your everyday working-life

...and how to avoid them

Benefit now ...

Xperience creates Xcellence - LeadingX

Any questions?

... we are always happy to help