Fit for change and innovation

Mindset and tools, how you can master change and expand your innovative lead.

Fit for change and innovation

Mindset and tools,  how you can master change and expand your innovative lead.

"If you have always done it that way, it is probably wrong."  Charles Kettering

Current situation


Changing needs of customers, demographic change, ecological sustainability, new technologies, social media, competitors from the east, digitisation, ... You and your company are facing numerous new challenges.

Who does not move with the times, gets moved by time.
You have to master this change on two levels:

  • On the one hand, you need new innovative products and services to meet the increasing expectations of your customers.
  • On the other hand, you have to develop your organization further, establish new business models, redesign processes and teams.

This usually meets with a defensive attitude  among those affected.  Some react with less commitment and signs of fatigue.
At both levels, you need the right tools and helpful attitudes among those involved, for a successful change, otherwise the risk of failure is higher than 75%.


Goals and contents

A clear method, professional approach and innovation are behind innovative, permanently effective solutions for existing challenges. The basis for this is the right attitude.  In "Fit for change and innovation" you realise which internal blockages get in the way of  necessary changes and how these can be overcome.  It is about preparing you and your team for the positive shaping of change.

  • What are the real challenges we are facing?
  • Where does the resistance to change come from, and how do I deal with it?
  • How can I get those involved "on board"?
  • Which phases does a process of change go through, and what is important in the individual phases?
  • What tried and tested tools are available for finding solutions?

LeadingX- seminars are neither power-point marathons nor boring, practice-alienated inputs. Participants apply the methods in their personal projects and their challenges, thus rather learn through action instead through thinking.  The practical implementation of the content already takes place within the seminar, which guarantees a sustainably expanding competence.

Agil, Innovation, Coaching, Innovationsmanager, Prozess, Begleitung, Agile, Führung, System, Management, Agile Kreaktion, Innovation, IAK

Your benefit

  • You have a deep understanding of how the processes of change work and what they trigger by those involved.
  • You understand the human side of resistance to change, understand their underlying motives and can therefore actively work with those resistors.
  • For challenging situations, you have a bulging too-lbox with tried and tested interventions.
  • You know which attitudes are helpful for change and how you can strengthen them in your team and within your organisation.
  • You have a tool-box of techniques to generate innovative solutions.

Are you running a company?
Are you leading a team?
Do you manage employees?
Do you have communications with customers?
Do you run projects?
Do you live your life with awareness?
Have a conversation with us!
... or secure your place in this seminar
and benefit from LeadingX > Xperience creates Xcellence (experience creates excellence)

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Xperience creates Xcellence - LeadingX

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