Seminar LeadingX10 High-Performance Leadership Xperience in English

LeadingX10 – confidently acting and leading

Globalisation, digitisation, climate-crisis, demographic change, acceleration, VUCA, value-change, lack of skilled employees and increasing customer demands, are affecting us all. There is no getting away from it, all areas of life, professionally or personally, are changing.  Previous solution-approaches don’t work any longer, because it is often difficult, if not impossible, to master the challenges of the present and the future, with the attitudes and behaviour-patterns of the past. This is quite clearly noticed. Individuals and organisations feel overwhelmed in everyday life. There is no use in pushing off or ignoring challenges, they’re not going away! On the contrary: they’re getting bigger.

On the other hand, there are currently more opportunities than ever before. The question is whether we can realise these opportunities. It is not primarily about new marketing-concepts, better attitude, new structures or  changing products.  It is much more about a new awareness and the right attitude to master current and future challenges with Xcellence (excellence). As always, responsible for this development are people who act and lead with the right attitude. Because, the attitude is crucial for innovation, the realisations of goals and healthy, happy and successful working and living.



Contents of the Seminar LeadingX10

X10 means: recognising problems, changes and challenges as opportunity and realise them with supreme ease. For that you need confident acting and leading. If you want to lead (people, employees, teams, customers, projects, changes, talks, your life), you have to be able to lead yourself!

X10 Xperience is focused on leadership-competences with an emphasis on personality, awareness and attitude. For that, we combine and transform ancient wisdom with current findings of neuro- and social-sciences.

You realise concrete findings of acting and leading with the fitting attitude. With that the focus is on inspiration, motivation, self-responsibility, mindfulness, self-knowledge, energy, conflict-solving and innovative acting and leading.


Your benefits of LeadingX10

Xperience (experience)

You experience sales-as well as self- and customer-management, on the level of awareness and attitude. We touch on mind, heart and hand and combine learning, experiencing and realising. Thereby you sustainably realise and anchor findings and will be able to make use of them for life, professionally and personally.

Xcellence (excellence)

…is the highest quality, to sell and act from your inner core.

Xcellence is active selling and leading with supreme ease and at the same time with inner calm and balance.… Xcellence stands for sales, service and living as engaged and performance-oriented co-entrepreneurs, who contribute substantially to the company’s success, through creative and initiative selling and acting. …and at the same time sustainably  bring in their full potential with supreme ease and inner balance.

Xecution (execution)

Understanding is only secondary! Turnover stems from turning over! Recognition and transformation are initiated and implemented, because: Realisation… and realising is the main-trophy! 



That’s why  LeadingX10 is innovative and of lasting benefit

Most management-seminars aim only to change behaviour. Permanent change in behaviour is only possible if you change the underlying attitudes, because it’s those that shape behaviour. Xperience and the unique workings of LeadingX10  make attitudes aware.  We make use of current findings of neuro- and social-sciences and combine them with timeless ancient wisdom and realisations. That makes it possible to train attitude and create a basis for  High Perfromance Leadership and Xcellence.

Motivation, Erfolg, Ziel, Chance, Change, Energie, Führung, Einstellung

Investment: 1.800,- plus VAT and expenses for accommodation/hotel
starts on 1. day: 16.00/4 pm
finishes last day : 15.00/ 3 pm

Choose your suitable date and trainer of your choice on the registration form.


Start date 22. January 2025
End date 25. January 2025
Trainer:innen (Coach) Uwe Pölzl, Robert Schwarz
Investment 1.900,- €
At the moment there are still places available - but these can quickly be sold out

Registration form

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